…and have currently sold 361 copies of Stairs For Breakfast.
New Target number of pre-orders: 1,000
I’ve now updated my THANK YOU page – are you on it? Thank you so much for making my book become a reality.
Paul Ribbons has bought 50 copies of my book. In doing so, he has now set me a new challenge of reaching 1,000 pre-orders.
If it wasn’t for Paul I wouldn’t have written a book. He is the person who initially inspired me to write Stairs For Breakfast. Thank you Paul Ribbons.
Another piece of big news is I have received the edited manuscript of my book from Stephanie Hale. However, as I thought, she has advised for it to be checked over by a libel lawyer. It is a vital step and I’m waiting to hear back from Stephanie on how much it will cost (it’ll be around £1K).
After my epic week of networking and public speaking (more on that to come), I’m now back at home and will be blogging more content for your delectation.
Going out every day last week involved a colossal amount of energy (walking and climbing stairs). Just standing and speaking to people is hard work because I use so much energy standing up, I haven’t got much energy left to say anything. My legs still ache!
Here I am after my 75 minute talk on Wednesday.
If you haven’t pre-ordered Stairs For Breakfast yet, try it, you will like it!
I will be extremely grateful if you buy my book because I need to pay for a libel lawyer now! You can pre-order here http://stairsforbreakfast.com/buy-now