Author Archives: Patrick Souiljaert

You can watch me live on the internet

Hello everyone;

This Saturday I am doing a joint book talk with a local author, Liz Coward in Shoreham. The evening starts at 19:30 and will be held at St Peters Church, West Street, Shoreham, BN43 5WG.

The event is going to be filmed courtesy of AECAST.COM and broadband permitting, the event will also be streamed live on YouTube. Therefore you can watch the event from wherever you are in the world! All you need is to go to:

It promises to be a fun and informative event with lots of laughter.

Also I have recently found out that I have been nominated by a local newspaper for a Community Star Award!

IMG_1667Having worked extremely hard over the last year and having overcome some unforeseen circumstances. Although I am very good at overcoming challenges, the last few months have taken a lot out of me and I am well in need of a break. Therefore next week I am of to Guayrapa in Spain.

My second book, Screw it, I’ll take the elevator, is virtually complete. On my return from Spain I am going to focus on getting more pre-orders to have the book published.

Thank you to all the people who have already pre-ordered my second book, I have updated my, “Thank You” page here:


Two Shoreham Beach authors – Liz Coward and Patrick Souiljaert – will join forces on Saturday, October 14th, to deliver a fascinating talk about their acclaimed and recently published books.

This one-off event will be held on 14th October 2017 at 7.30pm at St Peter’s Church, West Street Shoreham-by-Sea. Proceeds will be shared between East Adur Lions, St Peter’s Church in Shoreham and the Church of the Good Shepherd on Shoreham Beach.

If you would like any further information or would like to attend this event please go to:

 Tickets can be pre-booked via Eventbrite or £5 (£3 with concessions) on the door.

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Authors Talk Press Release!


Two Shoreham Beach authors – Liz Coward and Patrick Souiljaert – will join forces on Saturday, October 14th, to deliver a fascinating talk about their acclaimed and recently published books.

The titles “Stairs for Breakfast and Screw It, I’ll Take The Elevator by Patrick Souiljaert are a search for self-awareness, achievement, acceptance and love. His books are humorous, honest and occasionally self-deprecating. Not many publications set out to change perceptions and succeed in doing so. Patrick does it joyfully.Screw_It_copy









Blood and Bandages – fighting for life in the RAMC Field Ambulance 1940-1946 by Liz Coward, tells the moving story of William Earl, now aged 102, who left a sweetheart and new-born son, to serve as a frontline Army nursing orderly in North Africa and Italy.

Set in the context of the field ambulance, the Black Cats and Fifth and Eighth Armies, this unique and remarkable book exposes the neglected but vital aspect of the Royal Army Medical Corps in World War Two.

B&B Book CoverThis one-off event will be held on 14th October 2017 at 7.30pm at St Peter’s Church, West Street Shoreham-by-Sea. Proceeds will be shared between East Adur Lions, St Peter’s Church in Shoreham and the Church of the Good Shepherd on Shoreham Beach.

If you would like any further information or would like to attend this event please contact Maggie Paluch at:  or go to:

Tickets can be pre-booked via Eventbrite or £5 (£3 with concessions) on the door.

Lots of exciting news!

Hello everyone;

I have exciting news, I am organising a joint book talk with local author Liz Coward who has published a book called Blood & Bandages, Fighting for life in the RAMC Field Ambulance 1940-1946, read more here:

The book talk is on Saturday 14th October at 7:30pm at St Peters Church in Shoreham – West Street, BN43 5WG. Liz and I will both be talking individually about our respective books. If you have been to one of my talks before you will know I invite the audience to ask questions and there is a lot of humour involved.Liz Coward interview (3)It is a ticketed event so we can raise funds for the church and hopefully the local Lions Club (I am going to a meeting at the Lions Club tomorrow to discuss them being associated with the event). You can buy tickets and find out more here:

More exciting news, I received my ‘Screw it’ manuscript back from my liable lawyer. Maggie and I will be making the necessary amendments this week. The book is getting closer to being published and I am very proud of it, however I have been a bit unfocused on getting pre-orders to be able to publish the book, you can pre-order it here:

Some even more exciting news is I will shortly be purchasing a mobility scooter. This is something I have been meaning to do for some time as it will make me more mobile as I will be able to scoot out and about and take it on buses, trains and planes (it reminds me of the film, “Trains, planes & automobiles”).

Another exciting thing I am doing at the moment however most people might find this boring but it’s something I have to do is extending the lease on one of my BTL flats. I understand the straightforward process and once the lease has been extended I will have the property re-valued and re-mortgaged so I can cover the costs of the lease extension.

My focus on the next few weeks is to promote my authors talk with Liz and get more pre-orders. Thank you for your support.

Request for Assistance – Crowdfunder & Speaker Volunteer

Many of you will know this already but for those who don’t know my story…

3d front coverMy name is Patrick Souiljaert;

You might see me as being disabled but I see my cerebral palsy as a gift because in my mind I’m a regular, independent guy.

I have written my autobiography to inform and inspire people and to make a difference however big or small… it has also given me a platform as a public speaker and I love it!

I have just completed the sequel to my first book, ‘Stairs for Breakfast’, it’s called, ‘Screw It, I’ll take the Elevator’, it continues my journey on how to overcome adversity and have fun in life.

The books took me fifteen months to write, all typed with my left index finger but now that I have a PA, this book only took six weeks to edit.

If you haven’t read my first book, you can read the reviews on my website,

I am now self-publishing my second book based on the reactions to my first, this one is more dramatic, funnier and has a great ending!

My PA Maggie and I are now working together on a project to sell 1000 copies of the book by the end of the year, which means I need to achieve one thousand pre-orders of the book, which you can do via , this will greatly assist me with the costs of getting the book published.

I’ll post updates on my crowd funding page and send you the book when it has been printed:

Once you have pre-ordered the book it would be great if you could leave a comment.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read about my project and your kind assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Overcoming adversity flatmate-style!

Hello everyone

Life is a funny thing!

Two weeks ago little did I expect to have a new flatmate now after my old flatmate John decided to move out.

The funny thing is, three years ago when I last advertised for a flatmate I asked a friend if she would handle the phone enquiries for me. I thought people who did not know about Cerebral Palsy would be put off by my voice. However nowadays people tend to enquire about the room vacancy by email rather than by phone. Therefore I had to come up with a positive way of informing potential flatmates that I have Cerebral Palsy.

Hence when people inquired about the room I emailed back, “here’s a bit about me!” and sent them this video: bit about me video







It proved a success, I had seven people come to view the room out of which two people wanted to become my new flatmate!

A HUGE Thank You to everyone who has already pre-ordered a copy of my new book, so far I have raised £481 and my target is £7,000, I am going to dedicate a Thank You page in the book with the names of all people who have contributed and helped me to publish the book:

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You can pre-order my new book here now!