It’s been 6 weeks since my last update. At the time of writing it, I thought I was closer to getting the book out than I was. However the first proof copy of the book revealed a few issues with the cover and the typesetting (including typos), which took 5 weeks to iron out (ironing isn’t my forté!).
I received the second proof copy last Wednesday. The look and feel of the book is great. Then on Friday evening my friend Roy Stannard came over to check the proof copy out (I’ve been friends with Roy for nearly 20 years and he read the book while I was writing it)
The first thing Roy noticed on Friday was that my surname is spelt wrong on the back cover of the book. He then read 4 pages at random and found 5 typos. Having provisionally given the go-ahead to the printers to print 600 copies, I wasn’t expecting there to be any more errors.
Roy is now very kindly proofreading the whole book.
I didn’t think it was going to take this long to publish my book. I’ve read the book twice during the process, as have a couple of other people.
I have learnt so much throughout the editing and publishing processes. My flatmate says I should write a book on how to publish a book (I think producing a free giveaway tip-sheet is a better idea)!
It’s going to take Roy a few days to proofread the book, and then I will get the corrections made and the book out ASAP.
Thank you very much to Roy and to Stephanie Hale – who are both going beyond the pale to help me and the book.
Thank you also to everyone who has helped by pre-ordering Stairs For Breakfast. It’s a fantastic book – and worth the wait.