Tag Archives: Public speaking

Do you know which type of person you are?

Over the last 4 years I’ve leant so much about people and human behaviour. When I discovered this profiling technique it was a real eye-opener because it’s so simple and really beneficial to know.

It’s known as the VAKAD technique and has four profile types:

– Visual – visual people
– Auditory – sounds people
– Kinaesthetic – people persons
– Auditory Digital – analytical people

VAKAD types

The way to spot what profile(s) a person possess is by listening to the words and types of phrases they say (and write). The following table contains some common words and phrases.

Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic Auditory Digital
That looks great…

 My view is…

 I see what you’re saying…

 Picture the situation…

 Watch this…

 I like the look of it.

 My vision is…

 I like the sight of that.

 Show me…

That sounds great…Listen, …I hear what you’re saying.I heard that…

It rings a bell

It’s good to hear from you.

I’m listening…

I’m all ears.

That feels great…I feel…My instinct is…It’s comforting that you care about me.

I am very touched

I feel safe with you.

I’m a hands-on person.

I felt emotional…

How do you feel about…

That works well…I think…I understand what you’re saying…It makes sense…

It’s logical

Figure this out…

Prove it

It stacks up…

I can process it.

I’ll put it on the list…

My plan is…


You can pre-order Stairs For Breakfast HERE and NOW

  • It’s important to visual people how they appear and what clothes they wear.
  • Kinaesthetic people like human contact (eg hugs) and helping people. They are emotional people, who tend to become teary at the end of a romantic-comedy film.
  • Auditory Digital people tend to be geeky and they don’t have the best people-skills. They are process-driven people who tend not to be very emotional. Auditory Digital people are the opposite of Kinaesthetics.
  • Auditory Digital people are dominant people. However the other three profiles can also be dominant people.
  • A person might possess traits from all four profiles – but they will predominantly fall into one or two of the profiles.

You might be wondering what the point is of profiling people like this. Why is it important and useful?

Well, two people of the same profile (Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic) will get on well with each other. Apart from Auditory Digital (AD) people. Two ADs will clash – because two dominant people do not get on well with each other.

It is fairly rare for someone to be both a Kinaesthetic and an Auditory Digital person (because they are opposed profiles). However I am someone who’s both a Kinaesthetic and an AD person (albeit much more of a Kinaesthetic person).

Have you pre-ordered your copy of Stairs For Breakfast yet? You can do it HERE

Have you ever felt the fear – and done it anyway?

Last week was an incredible week. One of the highlights was Wednesday evening, when I gave a talk to 19 people.

The talk was scheduled to take place in a bar/restaurant but when I arrived there, it was shut! It wasn’t a problem because I did the talk in the upstairs bit in the pub opposite.

I was feeling slightly nervous beforehand, but interestingly once I started, I found myself in the present moment – and in my element!

My ‘off the top of my head’ talk was excellent. I spoke for 75 minutes and the audience asked a fair few questions and were particularly interested in my journey over the last 4 years, I was confident and enjoyed it. My flatmate John came along, we bounced off each other a bit – and afterwards he said I was amazing.

The pub manager took a few photos. You can see from this one how captivated everyone was with what I was saying.

vinters-talk on 19 Nov 2014

For as long as I can remember I have always felt the fear and done it anyway. The good thing about doing so is that it makes you feel great afterwards.

Every day, I believe in dong something which scares me slightly – because it widens my boundaries and helps me grow.

Please pre-order Stairs For Breakfast NOW http://stairsforbreakfast.com/buy-now because it’s a great read and it will inspire you.

I would like to make a difference in the world.

Thank you

BREAKING NEWS: I’ve smashed my initial target of 267 pre-orders…

…and have currently sold 361 copies of Stairs For Breakfast.

New Target number of pre-orders: 1,000

I’ve now updated my THANK YOU page – are you on it? Thank you so much for making my book become a reality.

Paul Ribbons has bought 50 copies of my book. In doing so, he has now set me a new challenge of reaching 1,000 pre-orders.

If it wasn’t for Paul I wouldn’t have written a book. He is the person who initially inspired me to write Stairs For Breakfast. Thank you Paul Ribbons.

Another piece of big news is I have received the edited manuscript of my book from Stephanie Hale. However, as I thought, she has advised for it to be checked over by a libel lawyer. It is a vital step and I’m waiting to hear back from Stephanie on how much it will cost (it’ll be around £1K).

After my epic week of networking and public speaking (more on that to come), I’m now back at home and will be blogging more content for your delectation.

Going out every day last week involved a colossal amount of energy (walking and climbing stairs). Just standing and speaking to people is hard work because I use so much energy standing up, I haven’t got much energy left to say anything. My legs still ache!

Here I am after my 75 minute talk on Wednesday.


If you haven’t pre-ordered Stairs For Breakfast yet, try it, you will like it!

I will be extremely grateful if you buy my book because I need to pay for a libel lawyer now! You can pre-order here http://stairsforbreakfast.com/buy-now